• Where Does My Money Go When I Donate?

When you donate, your money goes into the CARE bank account, where it is used to pay for all our operating expenses. If you like, you may specify a particular animal you want to support or a particular part of the rescue (such as horses). In the event that more money is raised for a particular pet than is needed for that pet, any extra funds will go towards the care of other animals.

  • Why Are Your Adoption Fees Higher Than My Local Humane Society/Animal Control?

Most county shelters/humane societies are government funded. Therefore they are able to charge adoption fees that cover far less than the expenses needed to run the shelter – your tax money pays the rest. Also, they often have to euthanize animals needing medical care instead of treating extensive medical needs as we do. This “no-kill” policy increases our expenses as we will treat a heartworm positive dog, for example, instead of euthanizing that dog. However, this will cost us hundreds of dollars just for the one dog.
While we do obtain some funds by donations, most of our operating expenses are covered by adoption fees – so the fees have to be somewhat in line with what it costs us to house, feed, spay/neuter, provide for sick/injured pets, and other operating expenses.

  • Who Makes Money From the Rescue and How Much Do They Make?

CARE is a 501C-3 non profit, meaning all funds are required by law to go into a CARE bank account. This is used to pay expenses for CARE. There is no “owner” of CARE – it is operated by a board of directors who are not paid to operate CARE or be on the board. Board members could be paid if they provide a service for CARE but only an amount that is reasonable for that service. For instance, Dr. Jordan boards the CARE horses at her house and she provides fencing, fertilizer, grass hay, and water. Boarding facilities typically charge $200-300/month/horse for this. Dr. Jordan is paid $50/horse/month, so she is paid considerably less than standard fees. Board members do not profit from being on the board or being involved with the rescue – it is done as a service to help the animals we care for.

  • Why Don’t You Give Animals Away If They Are Going to Good Homes? Wouldn’t This Save More Animals?

The most important reason that we rarely have no charge adoptions is that we believe that the adoption fee is the least expensive part of pet ownership. There will be food costs, vet costs, grooming costs, etc that will add up to much more than the adoption fee could ever be. We often have people who say they can give a great home but are on a fixed income and can’t afford the adoption fee. We are concerned that pets could end up needing medical care that the new owner cannot provide if they cannot afford the adoption fee. However, we do have a foster program that can be great in this situation. While fostering a pet, you can enjoy the pet without food or vet expense (we provide food, a crate, and all vet care while fostering). Once that pet is adopted, you can then foster another one. While this is not the same as owning one forever, it is a great way to enjoy a pet without the expense of pet adoption and ownership.

  • Why Are Your Horse Adoption Fees Higher than I Can Buy a Horse at an Auction or From a Horse Trader?

There are a couple reasons we have higher adoption fees for our horses. For one thing, we have rehabbed these horses, often for a year or more. So we have a lot of expenses in each horse. Also, we believe that the best chance for a horse to have a loving forever home is if the horse is healthy and trained. A horse who already knows at least basic training is much more adoptable and much less likely to be re-sold repeatedly until he/she is ends up starving and neglected again. Click here for an example of one horse’s individual expenses to get an idea of what your donations help to pay for.